In recent times, the work of Parliament has been receiving attention
on the public domain and discourse. This however does not necessarily
mean that it successfully fulfils its mandate to hold the executive accountable.
Parliament has been faced with various challenges that have
placed doubt in its ability to oversee the executive. Hence, this article
examines whether the South African Parliament has a potential and capability
to hold the executive to account for its actions or inactions. This
is done through inter alia revisiting the systems, procedures, and mechanisms
as well as the environment were oversight is performed. In addition,
this takes into consideration the theme of Parliament for 2016 which
is: “following up on our commitments to the people”. Shija (2012) argues
that the true test of a maturing democracy should be determined by
the extent of the government’s response to the needs of the people. In
this regard, the article argues that Parliament should be the beacon of
hope to the people, and be in a position to hold the executive accountable
for its activities.
Published in: Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives. Vol. 1, No.1, July 2016, 135 - 149