Global environmental change is increasingly recognised as a concern particularly in dry
rangelands where livelihoods rely heavily on ecosystem services from climate sensitive
agriculture. Current models predict rising temperatures and decreasing precipitation with
high variability, and increasing frequencies of droughts in these ecosystems. For African
rangelands, livestock numbers are also expected to increase in response to increasing
human population. These changes, in combination, are expected to impact negatively on
ecosystem function and service provision with devastating effects particularly in Africa
due to the high rural populations that have a low adaptive capacity. Thus it is critical to
advance ecological understanding of these systems’ response and resistance to the
effects of drought and grazing.
Motivated by both the current condition and predicted changes in local rangelands,
the overall aim of this study was to explore ecosystem function and service provision in
grazed semi-arid rangelands and ultimately suggest viable management options and
adaptation strategies. Four questions were asked in this regard; 1) Do existing drought
and grazing literature adequately address predicted future climate change scenarios
particularly in the context of southern African rangelands? 2) How can the knowledge
gaps in drought and grazing (combined) studies be overcome in these ecosystems? 3)
How does ranch-scale grazing management influence herbaceous and woody vegetation
dynamics? and 4) How does herbivore impact and recovery periods influence rangeland
dynamics in climatically variable semi-arid ecosystems?
In order to answer the above questions, this study carried out a critical review of
drought and grazing literature to evaluate the relevance of conventional grazing research
in the wake of global environmental change. The study also established a large-scale
experiment that combines precipitation manipulations with cattle grazing and possible
management options in the rangelands of Limpopo Province – South Africa to
complement plot-scale clipping and ranch-scale grazing case studies conducted in semi
arid rangelands of southwestern Botswana. The review revealed that grazing-related
research is well documented in Africa, although it lacks certain levels of realism in terms
of scales (temporal and spatial), study designs (e.g. common garden vs in situ
manipulations) and the nature of treatments (i.e. clipping vs grazing), whereas relevant
drought (and / or grazing) research is lacking. Furthermore, from the review, it was
demonstrated that dry rangelands are complex ecosystems that require multifactorial
standardized experimental approaches to study individual and interactive effects of
several ecosystem drivers simultaneously.
The study also established a novel experimental approach that combines real
grazing with extreme drought (according to the standardized precipitation index specific
to the area) and found that optimal vegetation performance in previously undegraded
veld, should be obtained by growing-season resting for durations not exceeding one
season, even under extreme drought conditions, to avoid an accumulation of standing
dead material that inhibits new growth. From ranch-scale case studies of grazing
management, the results demonstrated that rangeland health (as measured by cover of
palatable perennial grasses) in degraded areas (i.e. areas with increased woody
vegetation cover and less herbage) may not be achieved by destocking alone – as is
usually common practice, but through adaptive management at appropriate scales that
involve uniform grazing and adequate season-long grazing – an approach that may be achieved on rotationally grazed (RG) rather than continuously grazed (CG) systems.
Furthermore, the study found through clipping experiments that while broad-leaved
palatable perennial grasses such as Brachiaria nigropedata are able to overcompensate
under clipping, their productivity decreases with increasing previous season clipping
frequency – an example of lagged effects of grazing history, whereas less palatable
needle-leaved species such Stipagrostis uniplumis are less resistant to grazing. In
addition, the importance of mechanistic components of herbivory (defoliation, trampling
and nutrient deposition) in clipping experiments were highlighted where the interaction of
clipping, dung and trampling increased grass cover, contrary to the neutral response from
their individual effects.
In conclusion, this PhD has advanced scientific knowledge on grazed ecosystems
and how they may be impacted by predicted global environmental changes. The study
also has important implications for theory, management and policy particularly with
respect to drought mitigation and adaptation strategies. Suggestions are made for grazing
management as well as feeding strategies during and after drought years to help the veld
to recover. Thus, rangelands with a long evolutionary history of grazing, such as those in
southern African savannas, are expected to show some convergent responses to grazing
and extreme drought conditions, the strength and direction of which will be determined by
the underlying grazing management. The findings of this thesis may be applied to
alleviate problems of grazing-related degradation in semi-arid rangelands of Limpopo and
elsewhere, and also to develop adaptation strategies for predicted future global change