Sorting of waste at source is a process where the user is involved in the waste management system that contributes to waste separation. The Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in households need to be sorted to improve sustainable waste management. This study addresses the awareness and perception of sorting municipal waste in Lebowakgomo Zone A and F, Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality. The objectives of the study were to: assess the willingness of householders in sorting Municipal Solid Waste at households’ level before collection services in Lebowakgomo Zone A and F; investigate the socio-economic and environmental impacts of sorting solid waste at source in Lebowakgomo Zone A and F; ascertain the challenges faced during recycling of unseparated solid waste in Lebowakgomo Zone A and F and examine the strategies of Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality on encouraging source separation at Lebowakgomo Zone A and F. The study used a mixed method research approach. The sample size for Lebowakgomo Zone A was 280 and for Lebowakgomo Zone F was 192. The data was collected using open and closed-ended questionnaires, key informant interviews and field observation. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Software version 27. The analysed data was presented in the form of tables, pie charts, bar graphs, and thematic paragraphs. The findings of this research show that the households are willing to sort waste before collection services. There are, however, challenges of waste collection in the two sections. The socio-economic and environmental impacts in Lebowakgomo Zone A and F are creation of jobs, and community participation while there is littering and pollution from waste that is not collected properly. The storage of waste is lacking especially when waste is to be sorted firstly before recycling. Lepelle -Nkumpi Local Municipality is working with the communities to separate their waste. The environmental campaigns need to be established in communities to empower people with knowledge. Environmental education and awareness should be introduced in communities by Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality.