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dc.contributor.advisor Saeidi, A.
dc.contributor.advisor Seretlo, T. T. Nyikadzino, Tapiwanashe Gift 2025-03-12T06:31:30Z 2025-03-12T06:31:30Z 2024
dc.description Thesis (M. Sc. (Mathematics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2024 en_US
dc.description.abstract In this dissertation, we use modular representation theory to find error-correcting codes admitting finite simple group as a primitive permutation group and show that every binary linear code admitting group G as a primitive permutation group is a submodule of the permutation module of the primitive action of the group. If the Schur multiplier of the group G is trivial and P is a permutation module of degree n, then every binary linear code of length n invariant under G is a submodule of P. As an illustrative example, we select the finite simple group G = U(3, 3) which is referred to by other authors as PSU(3, 3) and identify the complete set of linear codes derived from its 2-representations. We will find the maximal subgroups of the simple group G = U(3, 3). After finding the maximal subgroups we find the permutation representation, each permutation representation has a corresponding permutation module which we will find. Our computations are based on MAGMA. We then classify these codes and determine their properties such as the minimum distance, minimum weight and the support and other properties. Then we will discuss whether a certain code has good error-correcting or error-detecting abilities based on their properties. In addition, we use the supports of the codes to construct certain designs that remain invariant under the action of U(3, 3) and establish connections between these designs and the corresponding linear codes. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) en_US
dc.format.extent vii, 76 leaves en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.relation.requires PDF en_US
dc.subject Codes en_US
dc.subject Permutation en_US
dc.subject Linear code en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Error-correcting codes (Information theory) en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Unitary groups en_US
dc.title Error-correcting codes from 2-representations of the unitary group U(3,3) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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