The first chapter has outlined the backgmund of the problem . This was followed by
the aim of the study. The methods of the study that will be used were dealt with ,and
different aspects were briefly explained. Chapter two has classified and discussed
some types of child abuse, abusers and the abused, causes and effects of child
abuse . I n chapter three and four the researcher con centrated on giving the analysis
of child abuse as portrayed in Mafe nya LL. 'Ndi bune-<je' an d efefe M.P. 'Milomo
ya [Iuka/a' respectively.
The last chapter is the concluding chapter whereby through the fi ndings, the society
and authors of Tshivemja drama books may re alise the seriousness of child abuse
an d its negative impact to the community. As a result, authors may realise the need
to have more dr ama books that will concentrate on this theme, thus con tributing
towards the protection of South African children against exploitation that they are
facing in their daily lives