Geography map work teaching in South Africa has been a serious challenge. The
poor performance in map work in recent years is evidence that a lot still needs to be
done to address this problem. Mankweng Circuit in Capricorn District of Limpopo is
no exception. Hence the purpose of this study was to explore challenges associated
with the teaching and learning of Grade 12 map work in secondary schools in Mankweng Circuit in Limpopo Province. The researcher used the qualitative research approach. The study followed the Interpretivism research paradigm and the exploratory research design. The study was guided by Lev Vygsky’s constructivism theory. To gain access to participants, the researcher obtained ethical clearance from the University’s Ethics and Research Committee. All participants in this study were required to sign the consent form and were informed of the purpose of the study. Parents were involved for children under the age of 16 and all participants were informed that participation in this study was voluntary. Furthermore, the researcher ensured that identities of all participants remained confidential. The sample of this study consisted of twelve participants comprising three teachers, three HODs and six learners from three schools, who were selected because interviews, Observations and Document Analysis were used as method of data collection. Data was analysed thematically. The findings showed that map interpretation is still a
challenge to learners. Findings further showed that both teachers and learners struggle with GIS. The study further recommended that the Department of Education should arrange regular GIS workshops where they provide teachers and learners with specialists to assist them with the GIS section.